Aluminium sulfate is a chemical compound with the formula Al2(SO4)3. It is soluble in water and is mainly used as a coagulating agent (promoting particle collision by neutralizing charge) in the purification of drinking water and waste water treatment plants, and also in paper manufacturing. Aluminium sulfate is used in water purification and as a mordant in dyeing and printing textiles. In water purification, it causes suspended impurities to coagulate into larger particles and then settle to the bottom of the container (or be filtered out) more easily. Aluminum sulfate has also been used to help control algae growth in ponds, lakes and waterways. Gardeners also use this acidic compound with plants to adjust the pH level particularly basic soil. It has also been used in firefighting foam, deodorant, baking soda, leather making, fertilizer, soaps, drugs and chemical catalysts.

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